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Since the mid-1980s, RFID technology (Radio Frequency Identification) using animal transponders, known as PIT-tags (Passive Integrated Transponders) has provided a very gentle marking method, which is used for zoo-, domestic-and livestock animals. Even fish can be individually marked and identified by handheld readers or stationary antenna without direct contact after they are initially tagged.


11 x 2 mm, 23 and 32 x 3.9 mm sized PIT-tags

antenna charges transponder by inductance

antenna charges transponder by inductance

antenna charges transponder by inductance

principle of RFID-operation
(click to enlarge)

activated transponder sends its ID-code to antenna

activated transponder sends its ID-code to antenna

activated transponder sends its ID-code to antenna

Reference projects


SCHWEVERS, U. & B. ADAM (2018): Zur Sackgassenwirkung von Ausleitungskraftwerken für stromaufwärts wandernde Fische. - Wasser & Abfall 20/7+8, 67 - 71.

ENGLER, O. & B. ADAM (2014): HDX-Monitoring Wupper: Untersuchung der Wanderung von Fischen, Untersuchungszeitraum vom 31. Oktober 2013 bis 31. Mai 2014.

ADAM, B. & U. SCHWEVERS (1997): Zur Funktionskontrolle von Fischwegen - Einsatz automatischer Kontrollstationen unter Anwendung der Transponder-Technologie. - DVWK-Schrift 119, Bonn (Wirtschafts- und Verlagsgesellschaft Gas und Wasser GmbH), 100 S.